Welsh Policy – October 2023

Welsh Policy

Welsh / Cymraeg

This policy underlines both the teaching and learning of Welsh as a Second Language within the school.

The quotes below cement the stance of the Welsh Assembly and recent strategy findings:

The future development and survival of the language depends on the commitment

of the people of Wales, and must be owned by all of us.  Its protection cannot depend

on those who are professionally employed in its development or promotion.

We must also ensure that we are encouraging people to use the language skills that

they have – and not to contribute to a climate in which they feel that less than perfect

Welsh language skills are a barrier to participation.”


A living language: a language for living, Welsh Language Strategy 2012-17


“We want to ensure that our education system makes it possible for more learners

of all ages to acquire a wider range of language skills in Welsh. This will enable

them to use the language in their personal lives, socially and in the workplace”.


Welsh-Medium Education Strategy April 2010


Golftyn understands the responsibility that all schools in Wales must promote Wales and Welshness. We are committed to sharing the cultural and historical importance of Wales alongside the Welsh language. This forms an integral part of our curriculum. Identifying what it means to be born, live and grow up in Wales.


Mae Ysgol Golftyn yn deall y cyfrifoldeb o hyrwyddo’r Gymraeg a Chymreigtod yn unol â phob ysgol yng Nghymru. Rydym yn deall y pwysigrwydd o gyflwyno diwylliant ag hanes Cymru ynghyd â’r iaith Gymraeg. Mae hyn yn ffurfio rhan hanfodol o’r cwricwlwm. Hefyd rhaid cofio yr adnabyddiaeth o’r hyn a olygir i fod yn enedigol o Gymru; i fyw ynddi ac hefyd i dyfu i fyny ynddi.


We aim to promote a Welsh ethos within the school by referencing Welsh where possible in the daily lives of our pupils. Here are examples:

  • displaying the language in evident places around the building.
  • building Welsh references into the class work including topic work.
  • school concerts e.g. Christmas and St David’s Day.
  • weekly school assemblies.
  • links with the community e.g. carol concerts for the OAP’s, guest speakers from the area.
  • encourage pride in their Heritage and Culture (Cwricwlwm Cymreig).
  • we will use the Welsh Education Team to support us as we evaluate our use of Welsh.
  • Promoting the use of Welsh around the school building and on the yard.


Ymdrechwn i hyrwyddo ethos Gymreig yn ein hysgol drwy gyfeirio at y Gymraeg, lle sy’n bosib, yn ddyddiol gyda’r plant. Dyma esiamplau o sut i weithredu hyn:-

  • Arddangos yr iaith o gylch yr adeilad
  • Adeiladu cyfeiriadau Cymraeg yn ein gwaith dosbarth gan gynnwys ein themau
  • Cyngherddau ysgol ee Nadolig; Dydd Gwyl Dewi
  • Yn ein gwasanaethau ysgol
  • Drwy gysylltiadau â’r gymuned ee cyngherddau carolau i’r henoed; siaradwyr gwâdd o’r ardal
  • Hybu parch yn ein gwlad a’i hanes [Cwricwlwm Cymreig]
  • Defnyddio Athrawon Bro i’n cefnogi wrth i ni fesur ac asesu ein defnydd o’r Gymraeg
  • Hybu y defnydd o’r Gymraeg o gylch adeilad yr ysgol â’r buarth

Aims and Objectives

Our role is to ensure that the pupils at Golftyn are given the opportunity to experience Welsh. This we hope will improve confidence in the language. The aim of this is to hear pupils use the language orally, when reading and when writing by the end of KS2 in accordance with the Foundation Phase Framework for Children’s Learning and the KS2 National Curriculum. We also feel it will enhance the feeling that we live in Wales.


This is done by means of

  • regular and effective use of everyday Welsh and Helpwr Heddiw / Helpwr y Dydd
  • weekly planned Welsh sessions in accordance the Welsh scheme of work (put together by the Athrawon Bro)
  • cross curricular planning, where possible, to include Welsh elements in other subjects such as topic lessons. This is to promote the local area and the cultural and historical identity of Wales.


Gwneir hyn drwy:-


  • Defnyddio’r Gymraeg yn rheolaidd ac yn effeithiol bob dydd ym mhob dosbarth ee Helpwr Heddiw / Helpwr y Dydd
  • Cynllunio wythnosol o’r Gymraeg fel yr amlygwyd yn ein Cynlluniau Gwaith [fel a drefnwyd gyda’r Athrawon Bro
  • Cynlluniau traws gwricwlaidd, os yn bosib, i ychwanegu elfennau Cymreig yn y pynciau eraill ee gwersi themau. Mae hyn yn hybu’r ardal leol a’r elfennau hanesyddol o Gymru.

The role of the Subject Co-ordinator

The Subject co-ordinator is responsible for

  • formulating and updating the Welsh language policy.
  • formulating and updating the Bilingualism language policy.
  • sharing new schemes of work with staff
  • liaising with the Welsh Education Team (Athrawon Bro)
  • structuring staff attendance on relevant INSET courses
  • monitoring the teaching of Welsh throughout the school and pupils’ progress
  • resource management
  • ensuring Welsh is evaluated in cycles linked to the SDP
  • ensuring a Welsh ethos in the school

The Role of the Welsh Education Team (Athrawon Bro)

To support as advisors

  • in formulating a policy and a scheme of work with the co-ordinator
  • to provide guidance on assessment and monitoring
  • to give exemplar lessons
  • to introduce new resources and ideas
  • to encourage staff to attend courses when needed

Learning Across the Curriculum

Curriculum Cymreig.

Within the Foundation Phase and KS2 pupils are given opportunities to develop knowledge and understanding of the cultural, historical and linguistic characteristics of Wales. Welsh also contributes to pupils’ personal and social education by developing their appreciation of 2 cultures so that they can appreciate other cultures and be sympathetic to them.  Pupils are encouraged to work co-operatively and respect the role of others.

Dysgu ar draws y Cwricwlwm

Y Cwricwlwm Cymreig

O fewn y Cyfnod Sylfaen â Cyfnod Allweddol 2 mae’r plant yn cael y profiad o ddatblygu gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth o ddiwylliant ag hanes Cymru. Mae’r Gymraeg hefyd yn ychwanegu at addysg bersonol a chymdeithasol y plant drwy ddatblygu eu gwerth o’i diwylliant fel eu bod yn deall y gwahaniaethau rhwng ieithoedd a diwylltiannau eraill. Mae’r plant yn cael eu hybu i weithio a’u gilydd ac i barchu eraill.

Marking, Assessment and Recording

Use of Welsh language is also evident in teachers marking. This is not just for Welsh lessons but is to be used in other subject where appropriate.

Nodau ac Amcanion

Ein nôd yw sicrhau fod disgyblion Ysgol Golftyn yn cael y cyfleoedd a profiadau drwy’r Gymraeg. Gobeithiwn y buasai hyn yn gwella hyder y plant i ddefnyddio’r iaith. Drwy hyn ein nôd yw clywed y plant yn defnyddio’r iaith ar lafar; wrth ddarllen ac wrth ysgrifennu erbyn diwedd Cyfnod Allweddol 2. Credwn hefyd i’r plant ddysgu a teimlo eu bod nhw’n byw yng Nghymru yn hytrach na Lloegr.

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