Golftyn Primary School
E-Safety & Acceptable Use Policy
This policy covers the acceptable use of IT by staff, volunteers and pupils.
Additional to this policy is the school’s Social Media Policy
1. Staff and Volunteers
Child Safeguarding Statement
Staff need to understand that there may be issues relating to a child’s behaviour as a result of child protection issues. Where staff have any concerns of this nature the agreed steps outlined in the school’s ‘Child Protection Policy’ should be followed.
School Policy
New technologies have become integral to the lives of children and young people in today’s society, both within schools and in their lives outside school. The internet and other digital information and communications technologies are powerful tools, which open up new opportunities for everyone.
These technologies can stimulate discussion, promote creativity and stimulate awareness of context to promote effective learning. They also bring opportunities for staff to be more creative and productive in their work. All users should have an entitlement to safe internet access at all times.
This Acceptable Use Policy is intended to ensure:
- that staff and volunteers will be responsible users and stay safe while using the internet and other communications technologies for educational, personal and recreational use.
- that school ICT systems and users are protected from accidental or deliberate misuse that could put the security of the systems and users at risk.
- that staff are protected from potential risk in their use of ICT in their everyday work.
The school will try to ensure that staff and volunteers will have good access to ICT to enhance their work, to enhance learning opportunities for students / pupils learning and will, in return, expect staff and volunteers to agree to be responsible users.
Acceptable Use Policy Agreement
I understand that I must use school ICT systems in a responsible way, to ensure that there is no risk to my safety or to the safety and security of the ICT systems and other users. I recognise the value of the use of ICT for enhancing learning and will ensure that students / pupils receive opportunities to gain from the use of ICT. I will, where possible, educate the young people in my care in the safe use of ICT and embed e-safety in my work with young people.
For my professional and personal safety:
- I understand that the school has the right to monitor my use of the ICT systems, email and other digital communications.
- I understand that the rules set out in this agreement also apply to use of school ICT systems (eg laptops, email, Mobile Applications etc) out of school.
- I understand that the school ICT systems are primarily intended for educational use and that I will only use the systems for personal or recreational use within the policies and rules set down by the school.
- I will take great care not to give my username or password to anyone else, nor will I try to use any other person’s username and password.
- I will immediately report any illegal, inappropriate or harmful material or incident, I become aware of, to the appropriate person.
I will be professional in my communications and actions when using school ICT systems:
- I will not deliberately access, copy, remove or otherwise alter any other user’s files, without their express permission.
- I will communicate with others in a professional manner, I will not use aggressive or inappropriate language and I appreciate that others may have different opinions.
- I will ensure that when I take and / or publish images of others I will do so with their permission. Images taken on non-school equipment should only be downloaded using school equipment and then deleted from the original device. I will not use my personal equipment to record these images, unless I have permission to do so. Where these images are published (e.g. on the school website) it will not be possible to identify by name, or other personal information, those who are featured.
- I will only use chat and social networking sites in my own time and for personal use. Information shared should never compromise the school’s duty to provide the highest possible standard of education or bring the school’s reputation into disrepute. Staff who have genuine concerns about any school matter should follow school current guidelines and policies e.g. whistle-blowing to resolve issues and not networking sites. Staff should report all contacts through networking sites which may concern them to the Headteacher. Examples may include: child below 13 on facebook requesting to be a friend or inappropriate comments by a parent directed to themselves.
- I will only communicate with students / pupils and parents / carers using official school systems. Any such communication will be professional in tone and manner.
- I will not engage in any on-line activity that may compromise my professional responsibilities.
The school and the local authority have the responsibility to provide safe and secure access to technologies and ensure the smooth running of the school: Where permission needs to be sought please see the Headteacher.
- When I use my personal hand held / external devices (PDAs / laptops / mobile phones / USB devices, tablets etc) in school, I will follow the rules set out in this agreement, in the same way as if I was using school equipment. This includes downloading photographs on school computers. I will ensure that any such devices are protected by up to date anti-virus software and are free from viruses.
- I will not use personal email addresses on the school ICT systems for pupils personal data.
- I will not open any attachments to emails, unless the source is known and trusted, due to the risk of the attachment containing viruses or other harmful programs.
- I will ensure that my data is regularly backed up.
- I will not try to upload, download or access any materials which are illegal (child sexual abuse images, criminally racist material, adult pornography covered by the Obscene Publications Act) or inappropriate or may cause harm or distress to others. I will not try to use any programs or software that might allow me to bypass the filtering / security systems in place to prevent access to such materials.
- I will try to make large downloads or uploads that might take up internet capacity and prevent other users from being able to carry out their work, during times when internet use is low.
- I will not install or attempt to install programs of any type on a machine, or store programs on a computer, nor will I try to alter computer settings, without permission to do so.
- I will not disable or cause any damage to school equipment, or the equipment belonging to others.
- I will only transport, hold, disclose or share personal information about myself or others, as outlined in the School Information Security Management policy.
- I understand that data protection policy requires that any staff or student / pupil data to which I have access, will be kept private and confidential, except when it is deemed necessary that I am required by law or by school policy to disclose such information to an appropriate authority.
- I will immediately report any damage or faults involving equipment or software, however this may have happened.
- If using cloud storage I will only use the Hwb secure cloud
When using the internet in my professional capacity or for school sanctioned personal use:
- I will ensure that I have permission to use the original work of others in my own work
- Where work is protected by copyright, I will not download or distribute copies (including music and videos).
I understand that I am responsible for my actions in and out of school:
- I understand that this Acceptable Use Policy applies not only to my work and use of school ICT equipment in school, but also applies to my use of school ICT systems and equipment out of school and my use of personal equipment in school or in situations related to my employment by the school.
- I understand that if I fail to comply with this Acceptable Use Policy Agreement, I could be subject to disciplinary action. This could include a warning, a suspension, referral to Governors and / or the Local Authority and in the event of illegal activities the involvement of the police.
I have read and understand the above and agree to use the school ICT systems (both in and out of school) and my own devices (in school and when carrying out communications related to the school) within these guidelines.
Staff / Volunteer Name
- Pupils
Golftyn Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. All pupils use computer facilities including Internet access as an essential part of learning, as required by the national curriculum, therefore, gaining pupils’ and parents’ agreement to e-safety rules is important.
This is to be obtained at the beginning of each Key Stage and at the same time as checking home and emergency contact details.
A list of pupils whose parents have not consented for Web publication of works and photographs and for internet access will be held in the office for staff to refer to when appropriate.
Use of Internet and Email in School
As part of the school’s information and communications technology (ICT) programme, we offer pupils supervised access to the Internet and email. Before the school allows students to use these facilities, they must obtain parental permission. Parents must sign and return an Internet and Email Use Permission Form as evidence of their acceptance of the school’s Rules for Responsible ICT Use.
Various projects have proven the educational benefits of Internet and email access, which enable pupils to explore a wide range of information sources, and communicate and collaborate with other learners throughout the world. Although there are concerns about children having access to inappropriate material via the Internet, the school takes a range of measures to minimise these risks. A filtering system is in operation, which restricts access to inappropriate materials, and this is supplemented by an Internet safety programme for all pupils which teaches the safe and appropriate behaviours to adopt when using the Internet, email and other technologies. All email is checked for unsuitable content and images, including within attachments and such email is stopped.
Although Internet use is supervised and filtered within our school, families should be aware that some pupils may find ways to access material that is inaccurate, defamatory, illegal, or potentially offensive to some people. As with any other area, parents and guardians of minors are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their children should follow when using media and information sources at home. The school therefore supports and respects each family’s right to decide whether or not to grant consent for access.
During school, teachers will guide students towards appropriate material. At home, families bear the same responsibility for guidance as they exercise with other information sources such as television, telephones, films and radio.
If you decide to support your child’s application for access to the Internet, please read the Rules for Responsible ICT Use and complete and sign the permission form. Should you wish to discuss any aspect of Internet use, or to see a lesson in operation, please telephone to arrange an appointment.
As part of GDPR regulations all pupils who use their access to the educational tools via the Hwb network are required to sign the Hwb data protection agreement.
Electronic Communication Rules for Responsible Use
The school has installed computers with Internet access to help our learning. These rules will keep you safe and help us be fair to others.
- I will only access the system with my own identity and password, which I will keep secret.
- I will not access other people’s files.
- I will only use the computers for school work and homework.
- I will not bring in any removable media, such as memory stick or CD, from outside school unless I have been given permission.
- I will ask permission from a member of staff before using the Internet.
- I will only email people I know or my teacher has approved.
- The messages I send will be polite and responsible.
- A file will only be sent with my email message if it has been checked and is free from viruses and if my teacher has approved sending the file.
- I will not give my home address or telephone number or arrange to meet someone.
- I will not disclose any other person’s name, address o r any of their personal details.
- I will report any unpleasant material or messages sent to me. I understand this report would be confidential and would help protect other pupils and myself.
- I understand that the school may check my computer files, including electronic mail messages, and may monitor the Internet sites I visit.
- I have read and understand the school Rules for Responsible Use of Electronic Communication and as the parent or legal guardian of the pupil named above; I grant permission for my son or daughter to use the Internet, email and other ICT facilities at school.
- I understand that the school will take reasonable precautions to ensure that pupils cannot access inappropriate materials, including the teaching of Internet safety skills to pupils, but accept that ultimately the school cannot be held responsible for the nature and content of materials accessed through the Internet.
- I accept responsibility for setting and conveying standards for my son or daughter to follow when selecting, sharing and exploring information and media, and acknowledge that they will be deemed to be accountable for their own actions.
- I understand that my child’s use of the Internet and email will be monitored and I give my consent for this to be done.
- This consent will be valid for the period of time that my child attends the school. If I wish to withdraw my consent at any time then I will inform the school of this decision in writing.
I CONSENT /DO NOT CONSENT – please delete as applicable
Full Name of Parent/Carer __________________________________________________________
Signature of Parent/Carer___________________________________________________________