01244 830569
Absence messages
Urgent messages
Last minute changes about end of day pick up
General information/questions
Absence messages
Urgent messages
Last minute changes about end of day pick up
General information/questions
Please inform us immediately of any change of address, telephone number, contact details, medical information and any other relevant information which we need to be aware of relating to your child(ren).
To do this, click on the CHANGE OF PUPIL/PARENT INFORMATION FORM below
During the school year, there are three scheduled occasions when parents and guardians are invited to school for a discussion with their child’s class teacher, here is the timeline:
Please refrain from approaching teachers regarding issues as pupils are arriving or as they leaving at the end of the day. This is distracting when the teachers are supervising their class as they leave school, which is their main priority.
How to use Schoop
If you have an iPhone, iPad, Android phone or tablet
If you have a Windows Mobile, Blackberry, PC or Mac
Need help? Please don’t contact the school. Schoop will answer any of your questions.
Go to: and click on Support, or send an email to
Messages are sent from teachers relating to classwork and activities during the school day
Please do not send urgent messages to teachers on Seesaw or messages about general information
‘Seesaw is a platform for student engagement. Teachers can empower students to create, reflect, share, and collaborate. Students “show what they know” using photos, videos, drawings, text, PDFs, and links. It’s simple to get student work in one place and share with families, and nothing is shared without teacher approval’.
Your child’s class teacher will provide you with a password to enable you to access Seesaw.
Click here More information about Seesaw can be found on their website. Click here to visit
School Gateway enables you to make payments for school meals, trips and clubs via Instant Bank Transfer, debit or credit card.
We no longer accept cash at school for any payments.
How to use School Gateway
It’s quick and easy to do. All you need are your email address and mobile number that school holds on record for you.
Download the app: If you have a smartphone, please download School Gateway from your app store (Android and iPhone)
OR Visit the website:
Click on ‘New User’. You’ll receive a text message with a PIN number. Use this PIN to log into School Gateway.
If you’re having trouble logging in, it may be because school doesn’t have your current email and mobile phone number on record. Please email school with your email address or pop into the school office to give your up to date mobile number and we’ll update the details on our system.