Golftyn Primary School Diversity & Equality Policy
Name of School Golftyn C.P. School
Policy Reviewed September 2024
Next Review September 2025
Named Individual(s) of the School Community Responsible Mrs Nicola Cooper
Description of School and its Community |
A description of the school community that includes:
- Ethnic and religious mix of school and its community;
89% of the school population is white or white British
– The remaining 11% comes from other ethnic groups including Arab, Bulgarian, Chinese, Hungarian, Latin/South/Central American, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Sri Lankan Tamil and Ukrainian.
- Demographics of the catchment area;
The school draws pupils from a very mixed area – the Golftyn and Central Wards of Connah’s Quay. The West ward is identified as a socially deprived area by WAG. Unemployment is above the average for Flintshire and the town is acknowledged as having some issues with drugs and alcohol.
- Gender balance;
The school learner population is 45% female and 55% male.
- Racist, homophobic or hate crime incidents in the school and the local area;
The school has recorded one incident of racial bullying in the last 20 years.
- Religions in the school;
The majority of the school community who have expressed a religion are Christian. We also have a small number of children who express their religion as Hindu and Muslim.
- Languages spoken by pupils;
All pupils are proficient in English and all are taught Welsh as a second language. Other home/first languages spoken are – Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese (Cantonese), Hungarian, Lithuanian, Pashto/Pakhto, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Tamil and Ukrainian.
- Details of additional learning need within school and its community;
At any one time some 11.5% of the pupil population has recognised additional learning needs.
Description of Policy Formation and Consultation Process |
Name of the School’s Equal Opportunities Co-ordinator NICOLA COOPER
Before the policy statement was finalised the following groups in the schools and its community were consulted:
Golftyn Government
Senior Management Team
LEA PSE Adviser
Aims and Purpose of a Diversity and Equality Policy Statement |
Golftyn C.P. School community fully endorses Flintshire County Council’s statement on Equality and Diversity:
Flintshire County Council is committed to promoting fairness and equality through all its activities; through the Council’s roles as service provider and commissioner, employer and community leader. The Council supports the following definition from the national Equalities Review in 2007: “An equal society protects and promotes equal, real freedom and substantive opportunity to live in the ways people value and would choose, so that everyone can flourish. An equal society recognises people’s different needs, situations and goals, and removes the barriers that limit what people can do and can be.” The overall aim of the Diversity and Equality is policy is to:- ● Eliminate unlawful discrimination and harassment; ● Promote equality of opportunity; and ● Promote good relations between diverse communities in the Council’s delivery of services, goods, works and facilities, provision of grants, in engagement with partners and communities in the county and employment policies and practices. The Policy applies specifically to discrimination, equality of opportunity and the promotion of good community relations in respect of the protected characteristics as identified in the Equality Act 2010: ● age ● disability ● gender reassignment ● marriage and civil partnership ● pregnancy and maternity ● race, ● religion or belief ● sex ● sexual orientation ● and to other personal characteristics and identity, including, for example social class, language, caring responsibilities or educational background
The aims of the Equality of Opportunity policy statement at Golftyn C.P. are to:
- Ensure that an inclusive ethos is established and maintained;
- Ensure that the school is a place where everyone, irrespective of their age, disability, race, religion and belief, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, family background and/or language feels welcomed and valued;
- Ensure that all pupils and staff are encouraged to reach their full potential;
- Protect the human rights of all pupils and staff, parents, governors and visitors to the school;
- Prepare pupils for the challenges, choices and responsibilities of their living in a diverse society;
- Empower pupils to participate in their communities as active citizens who take responsibility for themselves and each other;
- Foster and encourage positive attitudes and behaviour towards all members of the diverse community.
Environment and Ethos of the School |
We, at Golftyn C.P. School ensure that the aims listed above apply to the full range of our policies and practices including those that are concerned with:
- Equality projects and courses; teaching of the New Curriculum for Wales and RVE; strategies which use interactive and experiential approaches;
- Pupil’s progress, attainment and assessment, behaviour, discipline and exclusions;
- Admissions and attendance;
- Encouragement of pupils to take responsibility for their own learning and the assessment of their development.
- Valuing pupils and promoting positive relationships and self-esteem;
- Staff selection, recruitment and induction;
- Effective coordination and staff training and support;
- Partnership with parents and the community;
- Opportunities in school for pupils to participate in decision making;
- Extra-curricular experiences, such as school councils, clubs etc;
Addressing sexism, racism, xenophobia and homophobia |
The school is opposed to all forms of discrimination based on a person’s age, disability, race, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, family background and/or language. Any form of harassment and discriminatory language and behaviour is unacceptable and will not be tolerated at Golftyn C.P. School. The school’s anti-bullying policy and strategy clearly outlines the course of action in such circumstances.
Responsibilities |
The Governing Body is responsible for ensuring that the school complies with legislation, and that this policy statement and related procedures and strategies are implemented.
The Headteacher is responsible for implementing this policy statement; for ensuring that all staff are aware of their responsibilities and are given appropriate training and support, and for taking appropriate action in any cases of unlawful discrimination.
All staff are expected to:
- deal with any discriminatory incidents that may occur;
- know how to identify and challenge stereotyping or discrimination;
- support pupils in their class for whom English is an additional language;
- incorporate principles of equality and diversity into all aspects of their work.
Information and resources |
The content of the policy will be known to all:
- staff;
- learners;
- parents, carers and guardians;
- governors;
- guest-speakers who come in to school;
- members of the community if they request it.
Religious Observance |
The community at Golftyn C.P. School will respect the religious beliefs and practices of all staff, pupils and parents, and comply with all reasonable requests relating to religious observance and practice.
Equality Action Plan |
In place for 2020-2025 Reviewed annually
Monitoring, evaluation and review of this Policy |
Golftyn C.P. School will collect, study and use quantitative and qualitative data relating to the implementation of this policy and make adjustments as appropriate.