Golftyn Primary School


Health & Safety Policy

Under the Health & Safety at Work Act (HASWA) 1974 and the Management of Health &  Safety at Work Regulations 1999, all schools are required to produce a local Health and Safety  Policy. This Policy will be specific to each school as it will contain information on who will do things and how. It is recommended that the School’s Health and Safety Policy should be  developed by the Governing Body in conjunction with the Headteacher and members of the  School Leadership team.

The organisation and arrangements which support the H&S Policy (day to day management  of Health & Safety) are the responsibility of the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team  (supported by the Governing Body).

The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 places overall responsibility for health and safety  with the employer. Who this is varies with the type of school.




The Governing Body of Golftyn CP School will strive to achieve the highest standards of health,  safety and welfare consistent with their responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work  etc. Act 1974 and other statutory and common law duties.

The Statement below sets out how these duties will be conducted and includes a description  of the school’s organisation and arrangements for dealing with different areas of risk. Details  of how these areas of risk will be addressed are given in the arrangements section.

This policy will be brought to the attention of all staff during inductions/staff meetings, and / or a copy will be available on the shared Google drive to all members of staff for their reference.

A review of this policy statement and accompanying organisation and arrangements will be  conducted on an annual basis by the headteacher. Any changes necessary before the annual  review will be notified to staff in writing.

1.1 General Statement and Commitment

The Governing Body recognises its responsibility to promote a culture where health and  safety issues are discussed in an open and positive way to achieve improved standards and  safe methods of work. It will take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure the health and  safety of all persons including staff, pupils, contractors and any other person who may be  affected by the school undertaking.

In particular the Governing Body are committed to:

  1. a) Preventing accidents and work related ill health.
  2. b) Complying with statutory requirements as a minimum.
  3. c) Assessing and controlling risks from curriculum and non-curriculum work activities. d) Ensuring that the handling, storage or transportation of articles and substances will be safe and without risk to health.
  4. e) Ensuring safe working methods are implemented and to providing safe working
  5. f) Providing a safe and healthy working and learning environment and ensuring that the site is maintained in a safe condition and without risks to health.
  6. g) Ensuring access to and egress from the site to all places of work on site are maintained in a condition that is safe and without risks to health.
  7. h) Providing effective information, instruction, training and supervision as necessary to ensure the health and safety of employees and those who are affected by the work of the school.
  8. i) Consulting with employees and their representatives on health and safety matters. j) Monitoring and reviewing our systems and prevention measures to ensure they are and remain effective.
  9. k) Ensuring adequate welfare facilities exist throughout the school.
  10. l) Ensuring adequate resources are made available for health and safety so far as is reasonably practicable.

1.2 Health and Safety Management

The School will develop and implement an effective Health and Safety Management System  to ensure the above commitments can be met and in accordance with the Authorities  Corporate and Local Authority policies and procedures.

The Governing Body recognises that central to an effective management system is the  identification, assessment and adequate control of risks. The school will implement a suitable  system to identify and assess the risks from hazards associated with all its work activities with  the aim of controlling the risks, so far as is reasonably practicable.

The School will set realistic short and long term objectives, decide priorities and establish  adequate performance standards. It will also monitor and review such standards to ensure  that they are being met and maintained.

No Health and Safety policy is likely to be effective unless it actively involves the employees  themselves. The School recognises the contribution which employees and pupils are able to  make towards health and safety in their workplace and will operate and consult with  employees and pupils as necessary.

The School will actively encourage and support consultation with Trade Unions and other  appointed Safety representatives to enable them to fulfil their statutory functions and will co operate in the setting up of a Safety Committee or committees as required.

Where the School shares premises with another department or employer, whether  permanently or temporarily, arrangements and procedures shall be adopted to ensure that  all concerned are able to comply with their statutory health and safety duties.

The School will ensure that arrangements are made to coordinate the activities of its own  employees and those of outside agencies working on the premises, such as contractors,  cleaning staff, maintenance personnel.

In accordance with the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, and Management of Health  and Safety at Work Regulations, any member of staff noticing a failure to comply with this  policy, or any other advice or guidance issued by the Local Authority (LA) or Headteacher in pursuance of the policy, has a duty to immediately report the circumstances to the  Headteacher. The Headteacher is responsible for initiating appropriate remedial action. If it  is not possible for the Headteacher to resolve the matter, he/ she will report the facts to the  Governing Body and the LA as appropriate.

Suggestions from any member of staff for improving standards of safety are welcomed by the  Headteacher.

The persons with specific responsibilities for Health and Safety are identified in Part 2 of this  policy, and the arrangements implemented to meet the above requirements are detailed in  Part 3.

Signed: Neil Cottrell     Date: September 2022

Chair of Governors

Signed: Nicola Cooper  Date: September 2022





As the employer the LA has overall responsibility for Health and Safety in community and  voluntary controlled schools [in academy, foundation and voluntary aided schools, the  Governing Body is the employer].

Nevertheless, regardless of whether the Governing Body is the Employer or not, they have  particular health and safety responsibilities as Occupier and Body in Control of Premises.

At Golftyn CP School duties and responsibilities have been assigned to staff and governors as  detailed below.


In particular the Governors are responsible for ensuring that a health and safety management  system is in place within the school and is effective. As a minimum these systems should  adhere to the LA’s health and safety policy, standards and procedures.

The Health and Safety Governor Chris Risley has been appointed to receive relevant  information, to monitor the implementation of health and safety policies and procedures  within the school, and to give feedback on health and safety findings to the Governing Body.

The Governing Body will receive regular reports from the Headteacher or other nominated  senior member of staff in order to enable them to provide and prioritise resources for health  and safety.

The Governing Body will also ensure that:

  1. a) A clear written policy statement is created which promotes the correct attitude towards safety in staff and pupils and demonstrates a commitment by the Governing Body to ‘lead from the top’ in all health and safety matters.
  2. b) Responsibilities for health, safety and welfare are allocated to specific people and that those persons are informed of those responsibilities.
  3. c) Persons allocated responsibilities have sufficient experience, knowledge and training to perform the tasks required of them competently.
  4. d) Clear procedures are created to assess the risk from hazards and produce safe systems of
  5. e) Sufficient funds and resources are set aside with which to operate safe systems of work.
  6. f) Health and safety performance is measured both actively and reactively (audits, inspections, accident and incident analysis).
  7. g) The school’s health and safety policy and performance is reviewed at least annually.
  8. h) Lead by example in demonstrating the Governing Body’s commitment to achieving a high standard of health and safety performance, and encouraging the on-going development of a positive attitude to health and safety amongst staff and pupils.
  9. i) The school co-operates fully with any health & safety audits carried out by the Local Authority in order to facilitate their effective completion and a meaningful outcome.


At operational level the Headteacher, or in their absence their nominated deputy, is  accountable to the governors and is responsible, on a day-to-day basis, for implementing this  school health and safety policy and for all matters relating to health, safety and welfare within  the school on their behalf. In particular this will include ensuring that:

  1. a) Organisation – there is an appropriate organisation within the establishment for implementing this policy;
  2. b) Health and Safety Policy – the health and safety policy is brought to the attention of all staff, a copy should be given to all staff and one displayed in the staff room;
  3. c) Responsibilities- individual employees, and supply staff are aware of their responsibilities for health and safety;
  4. d) Consultation – promote through consultation and other means, the active involvement of staff and pupils in the development, promotion, implementation and monitoring of measures provided for health and safety;
  5. e) Information – copies of relevant codes of practice, risk assessments, procedures and safe working methods are kept in the administrative office of the school and the staff room. Key staff are made aware of how to access the electronic Health & Safety Library  (containing policies, procedures and guidance) via the FCC Education and Youth Services’  dedicated website (Hwb).
  6. f) Health & Safety Law Poster – A copy of the poster is displayed prominently within the school and all required information filled in.
  7. g) Implementation – the provisions set out in the Corporate Health & Safety Standards and other policies, procedures and Codes of Practice are implemented;
  8. h) Communication – other health and safety information is communicated effectively to relevant staff;
  9. i) Risk assessment – adequate assessment of all the risks from hazards in educational activities is carried out and significant findings are recorded, with appropriate preventive measures in place to ensure safe practice;
  10. j) Visitors – the health and safety of any visitors to schools, and volunteers involved in any school activity is assessed and adequate precautions applied;
  11. k) New or pregnant mothers – that adequate assessment is carried out of any risks to new or pregnant mothers, with changes to work practices arranged or special precautions ensured;
  12. l) Security – that the security of premises, staff and pupils are protected;
  13. m) Planning – risks to health and safety are taken into account and assessed/ re-assessed when any change to policy, buildings, methods or equipment are being considered or planned;
  14. n) Manual Handling – manual handling operations are avoided whenever possible, or where they cannot be avoided, the risks are reduced to the lowest possible level through the process of risk assessment and the implementation of controls such as planning of tasks,  use of moving and handling aids, instruction, training and documented safe working  methods and limitations;
  15. o) Display Screen Equipment – VDU workstations for “users” are assessed and the risks reduced to the lowest reasonably practicable level;
  16. p) COSHH – exposure to hazardous substances is risk assessed and controlled to prevent ill health and the relevant hazard control data sheets are available and adhered to for all hazardous substances within the school;
  17. q) PPE – personal protective equipment is provided free of charge where identified in the risk assessment process, and that staff or pupils using it are aware of how and why it is to be used;
  18. r) Maintenance – that all electrical installations, portable electrical equipment, machinery, equipment and plant is maintained in a safe condition, and that inspections are arranged as appropriate and records kept;
  19. s) Educational visits- that educational visits are adequately planned, organised and the risks assessed in accordance with the Local Authority’s Code of Practice, and that performance monitoring of educational visits and staff competency is carried out;
  20. t) Incident reporting – incidents and hazards are reported, investigated and recorded promptly using the established procedures and forms outlined in the Corporate Health & Safety Standard and that all persons under their control are aware of the reporting  procedure; and that appropriate remedial action is taken;
  21. u) Hazard removal – in the event of any hazard or risk to health and safety of any person under their control, appropriate action is taken to remove the hazard. Where action is of a temporary nature, consultation will take place as appropriate to enable further positive  steps to be taken;
  22. v) Training, instruction & supervision – training needs are identified and met, and that employees are kept informed, instructed and supervised, and are fully aware of the hazards involved in their work;
  23. w) Induction – new employees receive appropriate health and safety information, instructions and training, including details of the Health and Safety Policy, Codes of Practice, fire and other safety procedures;
  24. x) Volunteers – all volunteers and similar agents receive adequate supervision, instruction and training to ensure safe conduct of any activities in which they are engaged;
  25. y) Fire precautions and Emergency procedures – fire precautions and procedures are implemented (including fire drills) and all staff, pupils and visitors are made aware of All staff receive in-house fire instruction annually and staff designated as Fire  Wardens receive specific training from an external provider. Procedures for a variety of  emergencies are developed and implemented and the schools Emergency Plan detailing  these is completed and a copy circulated to all staff;
  26. z) First aid – staff, pupils and visitors are aware of first aid facilities;
  27. aa) Repair & maintenance – arrangements are made to deal with premises and management issues e.g. repair and maintenance of buildings, selection of and proper management of contractors in accordance with Local Authority guidelines and statutory requirements,  ensuring joint risk assessments are carried out and significant findings recorded, with  monitoring to ensure safe systems of work are followed;

bb)Asbestos – asbestos on site is properly managed, the location of the asbestos register is  displayed in the general office and the staff room and made available to contractors  before commencement of work. The visual inspection of all identified asbestos locations  forms part of the schools health & safety inspection regime, so that damaged or disturbed  asbestos materials can be identified promptly and necessary remedial action taken;

  1. cc) Legionella – all precautions following a water hygiene risk assessment are implemented, managed and monitored and a written scheme is produced and maintained for preventing and controlling the water hygiene risks on site.

dd)Record keeping – all statutory registers and records are kept;

  1. ee) Hirings & Lettings – appropriate arrangements are made with regard to hirings and lettings, including risk assessment, first aid, child protection & safeguarding, provider credentials and insurance;
  2. ff) Performance monitoring – health and safety performance is monitored, and arrangements reviewed, including regular inspection of the school, completion of the annual internal monitoring checklist, routine equipment maintenance checks, that safety  devices are fitted and maintained, that safety rules are observed and followed and  personal protective equipment worn, investigation of incidents, causes of ill health and  complaints, and reviewing incidents statistics to identify causes of accidents;
  3. gg) Audit & review – if during any internal or Local Authority audit or performance monitoring, variations from this policy are observed, immediate and effective steps are taken to rectify the situation;

hh)Safety Representatives – Safety Representatives can carry out their functions including  inspections and incident investigations and, where appropriate, that consultations take  place with them;

  1. ii) Advice – specialist advice is sought on health and safety matters when necessary;
  2. jj) Review – the policy, risk assessments, procedures and systems of work in place are reviewed at least annually, that changes are made as appropriate and staff, pupils and visitors are informed of any such changes as necessary;
  3. kk) Compliance – appropriate action is taken under the disciplinary procedures against anyone under their control found not complying with this statement or safe working practices;

For schools with radiation sources:

  1. ll) that a Radiation Protection Supervisor is appointed (in writing);

N.B. The above responsibilities can be delegated but this does not absolve the Headteacher  of overall responsibility. It must be clear within the policy who these responsibilities have  been delegated to by giving the individual’s name.


To ensure effective implementation of this policy Nicola Cooper has been appointed  as the School’s Health and Safety Coordinator. The Health and Safety Coordinator has been  delegated the following specific responsibilities:

  1. a) Coordinate and manage (i) the annual health and safety management system audit process and (ii) the annual (or earlier if required) risk assessment process for the school;
  2. b) Ensure the termly general workplace safety inspections are carried out and reports collated for consideration by the Headteacher and Governing Body;
  3. c) Monitor the timely provision for the inspection and maintenance of work equipment throughout the school;
  4. d) Ensure adequate records of the above are kept on the school premises and findings are reported to the Headteacher and Governing Body;
  5. e) Advise the Headteacher on any situations or activities which are potentially hazardous to the health and safety of staff, pupils and visitors;
  6. f) Maintain a record of any reported hazardous conditions or situations as above;
  7. g) Maintain continuing observations throughout the establishment and make relevant comment to the Headteacher, the head of a department or a member of staff, as appropriate, if any unsatisfactory situation is observed or reported to them;
  8. h) Monitor that staff are adequately instructed in safety and welfare matters in connection with their specific workplace and the school generally;
  9. i) Act as a point of contact between the school and the LA;
  10. j) Keep accident and incident statistics and provide an analysis to the Headteacher and Governing body/ School Health and Safety Committee;
  11. k) Provide an annual Health and Safety report for submission to the Governing Body;
  12. l) Ensure that Section 3 of the Health and Safety policy is suitably detailed to reflect the school arrangements under each relevant heading, and is periodically brought to the attention of the School Safety Committee.
  13. m) Carry out any other functions devolved to him/her by the Headteacher or Governing Body.


These staff include Assistant headteachers, SMT, Clerical Managers, Business Manager and other Supervisory staff.

They will:

  1. a) Have a general responsibility for the application of the school’s Health and Safety Policy to their own department or area of work and are directly responsible to the Headteacher for the application of the health and safety procedures and arrangements;
  2. b) Establish and maintain safe working procedures including arrangements for ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, the absence of risks to health and safety in connection with the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances, (e.g. chemicals,  boiling water, sharp tools);
  3. c) Resolve health, safety and welfare problems members of staff may refer to them or refer to the Headteacher/ Senior Manager and/ or School Health and Safety Coordinator (as appropriate) any problems for which they cannot achieve a satisfactory solution within  the resources available to them;
  4. d) Carry out regular health and safety risk assessments of the activities for which they are responsible and, submit reports to the Headteacher/ Senior Manager and/ or the School Health and Safety Coordinator;
  5. e) Carry out regular inspections of their areas of responsibility to ensure that equipment, furniture and activities are safe and record these inspections where required;
  6. f) Ensure that all staff under their control are familiar with the health and safety Code of Practice, if issued, for their area of work;
  7. g) Ensure so far as is reasonably practicable the provision of sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to enable other employees and pupils to avoid hazards and contribute positively to their own health and safety;
  8. h) Where appropriate, ensure relevant advice and guidance on health and safety matters is sought in a timely manner, and bring to the attention of all staff under their control, any specific codes of best practice to be followed within their areas of work;
  9. i) Promptly investigate any accidents that occur within their sphere of responsibility;
  10. j) Prepare an annual report for the Headteacher on the health and safety performance of his/her department or area of responsibility.


Class teachers are responsible for the health and safety of pupils and students while in their  care, as are student teachers and supply teachers. They are expected to:

  1. a) Exercise effective supervision of the pupils and know the emergency procedures in respect of fire, first aid and other emergencies, and to carry them out;
  2. b) Not leave a class unsupervised under any circumstances. If a teacher needs to leave the class, cover must be arranged;
  3. c) Follow the particular health and safety measures to be adopted of their own teaching areas as laid down in the relevant code of practice, where issued, and ensure that they are applied;
  4. d) Give clear oral and written instructions and warnings to pupils as often as necessary (notices, posters and handouts are not enough);
  5. e) Follow safe-working procedures personally;
  6. f) Ensure pupils’ coats, bags, etc. are safely stowed away;
  1. g) Manage the storage of equipment of equipment and materials to ensure good housekeeping and prevention of slip/ trip hazards;
  2. h) Ensure the use of protective clothing and equipment, guards, etc. where necessary;
  3. i) Monitor implementation of health and safety measures in accordance with risk assessments, controls, codes of practice, including the condition of subject specific equipment, substances and materials within their own teaching areas;
  4. j) Make recommendations to the Headteacher or Head of Department/ Head of Faculty on health and safety equipment and on additions or necessary improvements to plants, tool, equipment or machinery.
  5. k) Integrate all relevant aspects of safety (risk assessments and controls) into the teaching process and, if necessary, give special lessons on health and safety.
  6. l) Avoid introducing personal items of equipment (electrical or mechanical) into the school without prior authorisation
  7. m) Report all accidents, defects and dangerous occurrences to their Headteacher or Head of Department/ Head of Faculty promptly.


With their special knowledge of the area of work for which they are responsible, heads of  departments have a key role to play in the running of those activities safely. Heads of  departments are responsible, so far as is reasonably practicable, for implementing the safety  policy within their Department. In particular, heads of department will be responsible for  ensuring that:

  1. a) Codes of practice appropriate to the Department are brought to the attention of all staff in the department;
  2. b) Codes of practice are complied with and appropriate safety signs and notices are displayed;
  3. c) Relevant health and safety information is communicated to staff;
  4. d) All incidents occurring within the Department are reported, the causes investigated and an incident form completed;
  5. e) Health and safety training needs within the Department are identified and met, or reported to the Headteacher;
  6. f) Staff are aware of first aid, fire and emergency procedures;
  7. g) New employees receive appropriate health and safety training, including Departmental Safety Procedures;
  1. h) Assessments for all risks to health and safety are carried out and significant findings recorded, including COSHH, Manual handling etc., with appropriate preventive measures being taken;
  2. i) Regular inspections of areas for which they are responsible are carried out; j) All equipment is safe for use and, where appropriate, seek specialist advice that this is so;
  3. k) As far as possible, any health and safety issues brought to their attention in respect of work and/or areas of premises for which they responsible are resolved;
  4. l) Effective supervision of pupils takes place, and pupils are aware of general emergency procedures in respect of fire and first aid and any special safety measures in relation to the teaching areas.


Mid-day supervisors are responsible for ensuring that:

  1. a) Pupils are safe and without risks to health during the mid-day period inside and outside the school building by effective supervision, and by challenging inappropriate behaviour;
  2. b) Spillages are cleaned up immediately;
  1. c) Arrangements for fire and first aid are followed;
  2. d) Play structures e.g. trim trails, climbing frames, monkey bars etc. are directly supervised to ensure that children use them as designed, fairly and sensibly to reduce the possibility of accidents.



The caretaker is responsible for ensuring that he/ she implements safe working practice in  respect of their activities on and around and complies with LA policies, procedures and  guidance as appropriate.

In general the caretaker’s sphere of activities is quite broad and in some instances failure to  implement safe working practises could affect all persons on the school site. Work activities  including the changing of light fittings, external and internal maintenance, general labouring,  security, movement of furniture, etc. are activities with a degree of risk and appropriate  controlled measures should be taken to reduce risk to ensure that staff, pupils and visitors to  are safe and without risk.

  1. j) They are trained in the operation of the boilers and are familiar with any action needed to be taken in an emergency;
  2. k) Regular inspections of the boiler house are undertaken and that the sump pump (if present) is operating effectively and that the boiler room is not used to store any items;
  3. r) Testing of fire bells, fire doors, emergency lighting, intruder alarms etc. is carried out at appropriate intervals (both in-house and under contract) with records kept;
  4. s) All fire alarm call points are numbered and at least one call point is tested every week (with a record kept identifying the number tested and date etc.) to ensure the fire alarm is functioning correctly.
  5. t) All door closers are checked, with records kept, to ensure that they are working properly once per term and that arrangements are made to rectify any defects immediately;


The Governing Body and Headteacher recognise the role of Health and Safety Representatives  appointed by a recognised trade union. Health and Safety Representatives will be allowed to  investigate accidents and potential hazards, pursue employee / member complaints and carry  out school inspections within directed time, but wherever practicable outside teaching time.  They are also entitled to certain information, for example, about member accidents, and to  paid time off to train for and carry out their health and safety functions. However, they are  not part of the management structure and are not carrying out the duties on behalf of the  Headteacher or Governing Body.


New and expectant mothers must inform the Headteacher as soon as possible when they are  aware of the pregnancy so that they can be advised of any special precautions or changes to  working practices. Without being aware of your condition, the school cannot properly support  you.


In addition to any specific responsibilities which may be delegated to them, all employees  have responsibilities to:

  1. a) Take reasonable care of their own health, safety and welfare and that of other persons affected by their acts or omissions;
  2. b) Cooperate with the Local Authority and the school, so far as is reasonably practicable, to enable it to meet its responsibilities for health, safety and welfare;
  3. c) Cooperate with school management in complying with relevant health and safety law; d) Be aware of, and follow, this policy, codes of practice and guidelines; e) Act in accordance with any specific health and safety training received;
  4. f) Make sure they are aware of the hazards associated with their work and familiarise themselves with emergency procedures, first aid provision and accident/incident reporting;
  5. g) Use work equipment provided correctly and carry out any activities in accordance with instructions and training;
  6. h) Take reasonable care of all safety equipment and clothing given to them, report any defects, and always wear personal protective equipment when undertaking those jobs for which it is required, and use all safety devices provided;
  7. i) Use, and not wilfully misuse, neither neglect nor interfere with things provided for their own safety and the safety of others;
  8. j) Ensure good housekeeping and prevention of trip hazards;
  9. k) Ensure that occasional one off manual handling operations are assessed before attempting them;
  10. l) Report all accidents, incidents, damage, hazard and defects to the Headteacher/person responsible;
  11. m) Inform their line manager of any work situations which represent a serious and immediate danger to health, safety and welfare, and take immediate measures to protect persons from such risk;
  1. n) Co-operate with the employer and other employees in promoting improved safety measures in the school;
  2. o) Cooperate with the Union appointed Safety Representatives, enforcement officers, and advisers on behalf of the Local Authority.

Failure to exercise reasonable care for the safety of oneself, fellow employees or members of  the public; to cooperate within the school on health and safety matters; or the  misuse of safety equipment provided may justify disciplinary action being taken against the  employee concerned.


All visitors must report to Reception where a signing-in system is in operation. Regular visitors  and other users of the premises, for example, contractors and delivery persons, are required  to observe the safety rules of the School. Contractors working in the school premises will be  made aware of the health and safety arrangements applicable to them by the Premises  Manager. Visitors should wear a suitable visitors badge when on the premises. Additional  expectations apply to our EY/2 Year Old provision (see policies for setting).

The Headteacher must be informed immediately if there is a problem with the presence of an  individual/ group/ unauthorised vehicle on the school premises. If it is felt necessary, police  assistance will be sought.

The school will cooperate with the appropriate LA officer(s) to eliminate the unauthorised  use of the school grounds by animal owners.

The Governors and the LA will jointly ensure that the use of any shared sports facilities are  adequately managed, supervised and maintained to provide a safe provision for school and  community use.





1.1 School Health and Safety Policy

1.2 Risk Assessment

1.3 Communication and Consultation with Employees and Others

1.4 Training and Development

1.5 Health and Safety Monitoring

1.6 Health and Safety Policy Review


2.1 Building and Maintenance Works / Control of Contractors

2.2 Caretaking and Cleaning

2.3 Control of Asbestos

2.4 Control of Legionella

2.5 Electrical Safety

2.6 Gas Safety

2.7 Glazing

2.8 Grounds Maintenance

2.9 Pond Safety

2.10 Premises Security

2.11 Reporting Defects

2.12 Snow and Ice Gritting

2.13 Traffic Management

2.14 Tree Surveying and Management

2.15 Working at Height


3.1 Offsite Visits

3.2 Physical Education

3.3 Radioactive sources

3.4 Science

3.5 Swimming

3.6 Work Experience


4.1 Accident Reporting and Investigation

4.2 Dealing with Emergencies / School Site Arrangements

4.3 Fire Safety

4.4 First Aid

4.5 Welfare Arrangements


5.1 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

5.2 Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

5.3 General Housekeeping

5.4 Hire of Premises

5.5 Inspection and Testing of Plant and Equipment

5.6 Kitchen Safety / Hygiene

5.7 Library Safety

5.8 Lone and Peripatetic Workers

5.9 Managing Violence and Aggression

5.10 Manual Handling

5.11 Minibuses

5.12 New and Expectant Mothers

5.13 Organising Major Events

5.14 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

5.15 Procurement

5.16 Young Persons


6.1 Administration of Medicines

6.2 Alcohol

6.3 Drugs

6.4 Infection Prevention Control

6.5 Mental Wellbeing

6.6 Smoking



The Governing Body Golftyn CP School recognise their legal obligations in respect of protecting  the health and safety and welfare of employees, pupils and others who may use or visit the  school. The following arrangements must be observed by all staff in the school.

In addition and in accordance with LA expectations, all staff must refer to and utilise as  appropriate the schools’ health and safety resource database and any  other school acknowledged professional resources brought to their attention.



The school acknowledges the requirements of the Local Authority Health and Safety Policy  and associated Corporate and LA standards and guidance. School health and safety resources  for managing health and safety can be found on Flintshire County Council’s Infonet (Corporate  Occupational Health and Safety Policy), or on the LA schools health and safety information  database (

School staff that require access to the Health and Safety resources on Hwb will be allocated a  unique password and username issued by Flintshire County Council’s IT Department.


  1. a) General School Risk Assessments

In recognition of our duties under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations  the school conducts and documents risk assessments for all activities presenting a significant  risk to staff, children, parents and visitors to the school site. These are co-ordinated by Nicola Cooper following the guidance contained in Flintshire County Council’s Corporate Health and  Safety Standard – Risk Assessment that can be accessed via the Infonet, and the various Model  Risk Assessments that have been uploaded onto the LA schools’ resource database (Hwb)  under ‘health and safety’. The risk assessments are approved by the Headteacher and  relevant competent persons.

A list of Risk assessments (risk inventory) and copies of risk assessments are available for all  staff to view and are held centrally in our Office folder. A  copy of the current school risk assessment inventory is appended to this policy.

Risk assessments will be reviewed on an annual basis or when the work activity changes,  whichever is soonest. Staff will be made aware of any changes to risk assessments relating to  their work through staff meetings, emails and paper copies of risk assessments.

  1. b) Personal Risk Assessments

Specific risk assessments relating to individual members of staff or pupils are held on the  individual’s personal file. Where a personal risk assessment is required it will be undertaken  by the headteacher/assistant headteacher taking account of any medical information  provided. Such risk assessments will be reviewed on a regular basis.

It is the responsibility of all staff to inform their line manager of any medical conditions  (including pregnancy) which may impact on their work.

Forms for carrying out a personal risk assessment for a pupil, or for assessing and  documenting a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) can be found on the LA’s health  and safety resource database

  1. c) Curriculum Activities

Risk assessments for curriculum activities will be carried out by assistant headteachers/teachers taking account of codes of practice and  model risk assessments as they apply.

Whenever a new course is adopted or developed all activities are checked against these and  any significant findings incorporated into texts e.g lesson plans, in daily use.

All LA schools have a subscription to CLEAPSS and in science and DT their publications can  be used as sources of model risk assessment.

In addition, the following publications are endorsed by both the LA and the school and are to  be used and adhered to as appropriate:

– BS4163:2014 Health and Safety for Design and Technology in Schools and Similar  Establishments – Code of Practice

– Safe Practice in Physical Education and School Sport, Association of PE AfPE

All model risk assessments, as they apply, must be reviewed and amended to suit local  circumstances, and incorporated into lesson plans, schemes of work as recommended in  supplementary guidance provided by CLEAPSS, and must be kept readily available within  departments for ease of reference and inspection.


The Buildings (inc health and safety) committee meet termly and within its agenda there is the  opportunity to discuss health and safety issues/concerns. Action points from meetings are  brought forward for review by school management.

The Buildings (inc health and safety) committee meeting begins with a walk around the school premises focusing on premises risk assessment action plan.

Any changes to health & safety arrangements shall be briefed to all applicable staff during  regular staff meetings, or via an ad-hoc meeting if deemed necessary.

Health & safety is a standing item on all staff meeting agendas.

The statutory health & safety poster has been completed and is on display in both staff rooms.

Employees are encouraged to provide feedback on health & safety issues. Feedback received  shall be considered by the Headteacher and acted upon if deemed appropriate.


Health and safety induction training will be provided and documented for all new employees,  including work experience students, by the headteacher.

The Headteacher is responsible for ensuring that all staff are provided with adequate  information, instruction and training and identifying the health and safety training needs of  staff.

All employees will be provided with:

∙ Induction training in the requirements of this policy;

∙ Update training in response to any significant change;

∙ Training in specific skills needed for certain activities, (e.g. use of hazardous substances,  work at height etc.)

∙ Refresher training where required.

Training records are held by the school office who are responsible for coordinating health and  safety training needs and for including details in the training and development plan. This  includes a system for ensuring that refresher training (for example in first aid) is undertaken  within the prescribed time limits. The Headteacher will be responsible for assessing the  effectiveness of training received.

Each member of staff is also responsible for drawing the Headteacher’s / line manager’s  attention to their own personal needs for training and for not undertaking duties unless they  are confident that they have the necessary competence.

The Learning Development Team / Corporate Health and Safety can advise schools on the  various training courses / sessions available.


  1. a) Auditing

The Headteacher and Health and Safety governor will undertake an annual full audit of the school’s Health  and Safety Management System in accordance with the LA’s Health and Safety Audit  procedures. Copies of completed Audit checklists and findings are kept on the headteacher’s notice board for reference.

A written action plan with risk rated timescales will be prepared by Compliance Education to progress  any identified remedial actions resulting from the Audit. The action plan will be monitored at  staff meetings and at meetings of the Governing Body. A record of progress will be formally  maintained on the action plan until actions are completed / closed off.

Copies of all audits records will be held in the Health and Safety folder on Google Drive.

The Governing Body will be provided with reports on school audits termly.

The LA undertakes audit sampling on an on-going basis. When an external audit is  undertaken, all staff will fully cooperate.

  1. b) Statutory Safety Inspections

The school keeps an inventory of all statutory inspections undertaken by external contractors.  This inventory provides up-to-date information on what inspections are undertaken, by  whom and at what frequencies. A copy of the inventory is kept in a locked cupboard in the school access along with records  of all inspection findings / reports.

Where Statutory Safety Inspections have been undertaken that are specific to an individual  Faculty (e.g. fume cupboards, LEV tests, fixed machinery and equipment, PE equipment etc.),  copies must also be retained in the Faculty Health and Safety File for ease of reference.

  1. c) Area Safety Inspections

A general inspection of the site will be conducted termly and be carried out by/ coordinated  by the caretaker.

All staff are required to remain vigilant and report any defects identified on a day to day basis  to the headteacher to ensure safeguards are put in place as necessary.


The School acknowledges that the Health and Safety Policy is a working document that includes details of policy and procedures relating to health and safety issues.

The School will constantly monitor and update the policy as appropriate and will undertake a  formal review on an annual basis seeking endorsement from the Governing Body.



The Headteacher will be responsible for ensuring that all works on site are planned and  executed in accordance with the LA document ‘Management and Control of Construction and  Contractor Works on School and other Educational Premises’, and where the works meet the  criteria set out for applying for Landlord Approval from the LA, this will be undertaken in good  time. A copy of this document is located in Flintshire Education Intranet.

Where possible the school will use contractors recommended via the FCC Landlord Approval  process.

The school has access to advice and support on repairs and maintenance, general  improvements/structural matters via FCC building surveyors.

Funding responsibility for repairs and maintenance and replacement is outlined in the FCC  document ‘Property and Capital Delivery Services – Service Level Agreement (SLA) with  Flintshire Schools’. A copy is kept by the business manager.

There are two distinct types of contractors who will have access to the school site. These will  be service contractors who regularly work on the site and building contractors who work on  site on an ‘as and when’ basis.

  1. a) Service Contractors:

Service contractors have regular access to the site as specified by a contract. Such  contractors’ visits will vary from an annual visit e.g. to service boilers, check fire extinguishers  etc., to those on site daily e.g. cleaning or catering staff. The service contract specifies what  work is expected of them and what they can expect from the school. Service contractors will  follow their own safe systems of work but their working methods must take into account how  they will impact upon staff, students and visitors on site. When service contractor visits occur  Paul Tulloch/office staff must be contacted when they arrive on site to ensure the nature of the work  and potential risks are checked and any local management arrangements necessary can be  agreed prior to work commencing.

  1. b) Building Contractors:

These are contractors who attend site to undertake building works which can vary from  simply replacing a broken window to remodelling a room or building a new block. All such  works will be subject to pre-planning, risk assessment and subsequent safety management  arrangements, however planning run-in times may differ depend on the scale and scope of  proposed works/ projects:

Small scale building works

This will include day to day maintenance work and all work undertaken on site where a pre  site meeting (due to the small scale of the works) has not taken place. Before works can be  authorised:

  1. a) All contractors must report to the [office] [reception] upon arrival and under no circumstances are they to commence work until approval has been given to do so by the Headteacher.
  2. b) Before any work commencement approval is given the headteacher is to be made aware of what work is to be undertaken, where the work is to be carried out, an indication of the likely timescale for the work, what equipment is to be used, what services are required.
  3. c) Before any work commencement approval is given, all necessary safeguards must be established and implemented to safeguard others on site who may be affected.
  4. d) Contractors will wear identification badges at all times whilst on site.
  5. e) In the event of a problem, contractors must be referred back to the headteacher to agree on a safe

Larger scale building works

This encompasses all work where a pre-site meeting is required. In normal circumstances this  will involve work where part of the site is completely handed over to the contractors. Such  work usually comes under the requirements of the Construction, Design and Management  Regulations and the school must exercise the duties of the ‘Client’.

For all large scale works, unless they are being managed directly by the LA, a Landlord  Approval application will be submitted to the LA in accordance with the LA’s requirements.  Works will not proceed until approval has been given in writing by the Chief Officer.

Headteacher will be responsible for monitoring areas where the contractor’s work may  directly affect staff and pupils, and checking whether the expected controls are in place and  working effectively.

School managed projects

Where the school undertakes projects directly the Governing Body would be considered the ‘Client’ and therefore have additional statutory obligations.

These are managed by the Headteacher and School Business Manager who will ensure that  landlords consent has been obtained and, where applicable, all statutory approvals, such as  planning permission and building regulations have been sought. This would include whether  CDM regulations will apply.

Planned maintenance and inspection

Regular inspection and testing of school plant, machinery and equipment is carried out in  accordance with legislative requirements by suitably competent contractors. The school  inventory of all planned maintenance, contractors, and frequency of inspection is kept with the business manager.

Headteacher is responsible for ensuring inspection and maintenance  requirements for machinery and equipment within the school are identified and  implemented. This includes regular (and evidenced) inspection of any hand tools.


Paul Tulloch responsible for ensuring that all caretaker and cleaning activities have been  suitably risk assessed and that all staff have been trained and instructed on safe methods of  work. A model risk assessment register is provided on highlighting  typical caretaker and cleaner tasks to be risk assessed.

Specialist advice on caretaking and cleaning services and activities can be obtained by  contacting Newydd Catering & Cleaning on 01352 704119.


A copy of the asbestos file containing the current asbestos management survey report, survey  plans, data, and the school asbestos management plan is located in the office safe.

The Headteacher will ensure that all staff are advised on the current status of  any asbestos containing materials on the school site, and what preventative measures are in  place to prevent exposure to occupants.

The Headteacher (duty holder) will ensure that the asbestos register is made available to all  contractors working on the school site where their work is likely to involve any disturbance  to the fabric of the building and/or machinery (e.g. repairs, maintenance, improvements,  demolition works, drilling into ceilings, floors, walls etc.).

All staff must check the register and request approval from the Headteacher (duty holder)  before pinning, drilling, or otherwise potentially damaging walls, ceilings, floors etc. Do not  assume there is no asbestos present.

Prior to any works commencing on site, confirmation must be given by the contractor that they have read and understand the asbestos file content and that no asbestos is likely to be  disturbed by the works they are to undertake. They must also sign the asbestos register to  that effect before being authorised to proceed with their work on site.

If the register does not establish whether asbestos is present or not, or it is found that  asbestos is present in the vicinity of the intended works, then no work will take place until  advice has been sought from FCC Property and Design Consultancy. In some instances a more intrusive type survey may need to be undertaken, and removal of asbestos containing  materials before work can commence.

Asbestos awareness training will be undertaken by caretaker and headteacher and copies of asbestos attendance Certificates will be held in the individual’s personnel training file.

Any damage to materials known or suspected to contain ACMs should be reported immediately to Headteacher who will contact FCC Property and Design Consultancy.

Welsh Local Government guidance document ‘Asbestos Management in Schools’ can be  accessed on the LA schools resource database under Health and  Safety.


It is the LA’s and school’s policy to comply with our duties under the HSWA and COSHH Regulations as it extends to the risks from legionella bacteria, which may arrive from our  activities.

As an employer, or a person in control of the premises, we will:

∙ Identify and assess sources of risk;

∙ Manage any risks;

∙ Prevent or control any risks;

∙ Keep and maintain the correct records; and

∙ Carry out any other duties that we may have.

The school complies with advice on the potential risks from legionella as identified in the  school’s legionella water risk assessment and water log records.

A water risk assessment of the school has been completed by HSL and is responsible for  ensuring that operational controls are being conducted and recorded in the water log book.  HSL will be responsible for undertaking basic operational  controls in lieu of a water risk assessment being conducted by named company.

This will include, with reference to the risk assessment:

∙ All remedial action identified in reports is undertaken within the timescale identified; ∙ Identifying and flushing rarely used outlets on a weekly basis and after school holiday  periods;

∙ Conducting necessary water temperature checks (monthly);

∙ Disinfecting / descaling showers, or other areas where water droplets are formed  (quarterly);

∙ Thermostatic mixing valves(TMV) to form part of the regular test and inspection process  and procedure;

∙ Microbiological testing of the system, in accord with the risk assessment e.g. every six  months;

∙ Annual chlorination of the water system; and

∙ Legionella risk assessment to be reviewed at least every two years by a competent person.  ∙ All mains drinking water is suitably labelled.


The following arrangements relating to electrical safety are in place:

∙ The fixed electrical installation is tested by maintenance contractors every 5 years as  required by the Electricity at Work Regulations. Following this check a certificate is issued  to confirm the electrical installation is safe. Any queries regarding the status of the  electrical installation should be referred to LMC.

∙ All portable items of electrical equipment are subject to a formal inspection and testing  (portable appliance testing PAT) on an annual basis. These inspections are carried out by  KDE.

∙ Business manager is responsible for keeping an up-to-date inventory (register) of all electrical  appliances and for ensuring that all equipment is available for testing (this will include all  caretaking and cleaning electrical equipment).

∙ All staff are required to carry out visual inspections of electrical equipment prior to each  use to look for any obvious defects and signs of overheating (e.g. to cables, plugs, sockets,  casings etc.) and to take out of use immediately any equipment found to be defective.

∙ Personal items of equipment (electrical or mechanical) should not be brought into the  school without prior authorisation from the headteacher, and must be subject to the same  tests as school equipment.

∙ Where technical knowledge is needed for repair of electrical equipment, help and advice  must be sought from a professional source.


Only appropriately Gas Safe Registered contractors will be authorised to inspect, service or  otherwise work on any gas installation or gas equipment at the school.

‘Evans Maintenance Services Ltd’ services the school gas installation regularly.  This is located in the locked Office cupboard.

Any member of staff discovering a suspected gas leak should make an informed judgement  based on how strong the smell is as to whether they immediately evacuate the building and  telephone the Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999.

Kitchen staff are aware of where their gas kill switches are.  There is an automated gas kill switch in the boiler room so if there was a problem it would automatically switch off.

If there is a slight smell of gas, the first action should be to check that all gas appliances are  switched off. This may clear the smell of gas. Windows should be opened.


The School Glazing Survey is in the Health and Safety file.

In the event of a broken window the procedure to repair & replace is as follows: –

Caretaker secures the broken window (internal windows have had film added to ensure the  broken glass is contained).

Glazing contractor called out to replace the window with appropriate H&S Glass – this should  be done out of school hours.

Glazing contractor to dispose of broken glass.

Broken Glass on playing fields

Caretaker to pick up broken glass whilst wearing protective gloves and using a litter picker  tool.

Broken glass to be placed on a strong container and disposed of in an external bin which is  locked in the bin compound.


Grounds maintenance within the school i.e. maintenance of school grounds, artificial turf  pitches (ATP’s) and sports fields is carried out by Sheratts. All contractor personnel  have undergone DBS checks.

Care must be exercised when strimming grassy areas around external timber playground  equipment and ideally there should be no strimming around the bases of timber support  structures. Grass maintenance in these areas should be carried out using a suitable contact  herbicide. Where contact herbicides cannot be used, all vulnerable timber support structures  will be appropriately protected/ covered with a protective sheath to avoid strimmer damage around the bases.


Golftyn CP School treats the security of our pupils as a top priority. Security arrangements  are monitored and reviewed regularly by the school office, and following a security related  incident or feedback from an interested party.

Security arrangements currently in place include:

∙ CCTV & Intruder Alarm System (contractor maintained 24/7)

∙ Keeping all external doors locked to prevent unwanted visitors and to ensure pupils  cannot leave the premises unaccompanied or with an unknown adult.

∙ Keeping the front door locked with the night latch as an extra security measure when the  premises are empty.

∙ Keeping internal and external areas secure by closing all gates and front door on arrival  and departure from the premises.

∙ Ensuring all visitors and staff sign-in in the visitors book upon arrival, and sign-out when  they depart, with the time recorded and witnessed by a staff member.

∙ Ensuring all visitors show identification upon arrival if unknown to the school.

∙ Ensuring pupils never open the front door and staff only admit known/expected persons  to the school.

∙ Fitting security locks to all windows identified as requiring them.

∙ Keeping all gates and boundaries in good repair and checked regularly.

∙ Keeping all gates bolted for safe access control.

∙ Ensuring that all parents/carers are made aware of the arrival and collection  arrangements, including early collection, and the procedures that will be followed should  they be delayed and their child not collected.

∙ Requiring parents/carers to inform staff in advance, either by telephone, email or by using Seesaw if another adult will be collecting their child. ∙ Requiring written permission from parents/carers if a child is dismissed to walk home alone. Not permitting any child under the age of 14 from collecting a pupil.

∙ Ensuring that pupils are handed over personally to the collecting adult.

∙ Maintaining a list of key-holders, held in the school office. Emergency Key-holders details  are registered with [insert location e.g. alarm company] in case of emergency. ∙ Providing lockable metal filing cabinets for personnel files etc. to satisfy data protection,  confidentiality and fire risk requirements.


The school has a defect reporting procedure whereby any damage or defect to the premises or equipment and furnishings within is reported to the caretaker.  Defective  equipment is isolated and labelled as defective to prevent use until replaced or repaired.  Where premises defects are identified, a dynamic assessment is carried out to decide whether  an area should be isolated or cordoned off whilst awaiting repair.


Adequate arrangements are in place to minimise the risks from snow and ice on the site e.g.  access/ egress routes. A risk assessment has been carried out and an emergency plan has  been developed to determine what type of action needs to be undertaken during adverse  weather conditions, e.g. which specific routes are gritted. There is suitable storage for  salt/grit and tools, (such as wheeled grit spreader) on site and a sufficient supply of grit/salt  is available, ordered and maintained by the caretaker.  Servicing of machinery takes place.

The cold weather checklist is the responsibility of the caretaker.


It is the policy of the school that all vehicles and pedestrians should operate in a safe manner  and be effectively managed and controlled.

This policy includes the safety of all vehicle and pedestrian routes both internal and external;  to include the access routes used by the emergency services i.e. Fire Brigade and Ambulance Service.

The school has undertaken a risk assessment in relation to the management of vehicles on the school site. A copy of this risk assessment and safe management of arrangements is  available on the risk assessment in One Drive.

The caretaker  is responsible for:

∙ Upkeep, reporting and maintenance of all external/internal pedestrian and vehicle routes  and car park;

∙ Location and maintenance of road and pedestrian traffic safety signs;

∙ Lighting for road and pedestrian routes;

∙ Routine safety checks and inspections;

∙ Suitable gritting of these routes both internally and externally;

∙ Provision of suitable signage;

∙ Parking bays for persons with a disability; and

∙ Liaising with and managing contractors undertaking activities on site that involve the  movement of vehicles, to include, the review of risk assessments and method statements  (RAMS).

The speed limit for vehicles on site is 5mph and all drivers on site  are expected to adhere to this at all times.

There is signage advising the speed limit of 5mph is  used for traffic calming.

Pedestrian routes around the site should be adhered to by all in order to control any potential  for pedestrian/ vehicle collision on site. Care should be taken and staff should be alert to any  movement of vehicles within the car parks.

All drivers should be aware of other site users when driving their vehicle on site. For the  reasons of safety, parents are not permitted to drive their vehicle on site when dropping off  / collecting their child at the beginning / end of the school day.

Vehicular access to the school is restricted to school staff and visitors only and not for general  use by parents/guardians when bringing children to school or collecting them.

Vehicles are allowed to park only in the designated car parking areas within the school  grounds.

Visitors to the school are required to record their vehicle registration number plate when  signing in at reception.

The vehicle access gate must not normally be used for pedestrian access. If an event is being held outside of normal school activities for which this is the sole access, then all due care must  be taken to ensure the safety of those passing through this entrance, and a suitable and  sufficient risk assessment completed for pedestrian and vehicular movement.


The law recognises that trees are dynamic living organisms that can be subject to unpredicted  failure. Nevertheless, under the Occupier’s Liability Act Golftyn CP School  has a duty of care  to survey and maintain them.

A survey of all trees on the school site will be undertaken on a periodic basis by a suitably  qualified Arboriculturist. The surveying and management of trees in the school is risk based  taking into account a tree’s size, its position in relation to targets and the tree’s condition.

Any tree works recommended is prioritised in response to the level of risk and carried out in  accordance with “BS3998:2010 Tree Work – Recommendations” and undertaken by a  competent tree contractor with a minimum of £5m public liability insurance.

The school will also ensure that regular visual checks on trees are made, especially after  adverse or severe weather. Any significant damage or concerns must be reported to our

appointed Arboriculture Service Provider in order that an assessment can be made and that  appropriate remedial action can be taken to ensure safety.

The school acknowledges it is important that inspections are kept up to date and retained as  a record in the event of an incident occurring.

For tree related issues and advice on schools sites, contact Flintshire County Council’s Countryside  Services team.


Working at height can present a significant risk and generally working at height in the school  will only be carried out by a suitably qualified and competent contractor. However, there  may be occasions when the school Caretaker / site staff need to access height (for example: gutter clearing, putting up displays etc.) which may require use of ladders or stepladders.

It is the school’s policy that all working at height (WAH) activity is properly planned,  supervised and carried out by competent people. This includes using the right type of  equipment for working at height.

The Site Manager/ Caretaker/ Business Manager/Contractor is responsible for producing a  suitable and sufficient assessment of the risk supported by a Safe System of Work (SSoW)  factoring in:

∙ the height of the task; the duration and frequency; and

∙ the condition of the surface being worked on. However, there will also be certain low-risk  situations where common sense tells you no particular precautions are necessary.

Wherever possible working at height by school personnel is to be avoided by e.g. not storing  items at height that need to be accessed regularly, using long handled tools for cleaning  shelves and ledges etc.

On no account should any member of staff attempt to stand on furniture (such as tables,  chairs, cupboards etc.), but the use of a stepladder or elephant stool should be used.

Only those persons who have been trained to use ladders safely may use them. Basic  instruction is provided to all staff who use ladders / stepladders, see

Formal training on work at height, use of ladders, mobile tower scaffolds etc. will be provided  where a significant risk is identified as part of an individual’s role e.g. site staff, drama, ICT  technician etc.

Anyone authorised to use a ladder or stepladder will only be approved to do so if they have  received safe use of ladder training which must be evidenced.

The establishments nominated person(s) responsible for work at height is caretaker.

The nominated person(s) shall ensure:

∙ all work at height is properly planned and organised;

∙ the use of access equipment is restricted to authorised users;

∙ all those involved in work at height are trained and competent to do so;

∙ the risks from working at height are assessed and appropriate equipment selected; ∙ a register of access equipment is maintained, all equipment is regularly inspected and  maintained with any defective equipment taken out of use until repaired /replaced ∙ Any risks from fragile surfaces is properly controlled.


The school has adopted the Council’s advice of a NO WORKING ON FLAT ROOF POLICY for  the Caretaker / Site Manager.


3.1 OFFSITE VISITS is your contact for any Outdoor Education Visits concerns, and all  matters relating to the Evolve system.

The school has separate guidance and procedures for Off-site visits. Staff must ensure that  prior to planning or accompanying an off-site visit, that they are aware of the school’s  procedures on Off-site Visits.

Claire Thompson carries out the role of Educational Visits Coordinator. All trips and visits  are carried out in accordance with the Educational Visits Policy, which includes Health and  Safety considerations.

The LA’s Offsite Visits Advisor must be notified of trips which include self-led adventurous  activities, fieldwork trips to open or “wild” country, and all trips overseas and residential trips.  This will be done via the use of Evolve, the online notification and approvals system.

The member of staff planning the trip will submit all relevant paperwork and risk assessments relating to the trip to the school’s Educational Visits Coordinator,  who will check the documentation and planning of the trip and if acceptable initially approve the visit before referring to the Headteacher for approval.


Refer to school supplementary PE policy and Safe Practice in PE and School Sport (Association  for PE AfPE) previously referred to as BAALPE. Schools have access to the online LA health  and safety resources and the LYNX model RA package for PE.


The school follows CLEAPSS guidance L93 in Managing Ionising radiation and radioactive sources.

∙ CLEAPSS provide the Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA) service for Flintshire County  Council

∙ The FCC Radiation Protection Officer is Anthony Smith based in Corporate Health and  Safety.

∙ Member of staff in charge of radioactive sources (RPS) in the school is [insert name/ job  title] and is responsible for ensuring all records pertaining to radioactive sources are  maintained.


Refer to PE policy and Association for PE  document ‘Safe Practice in PE and school sport document and relevant pages, requirements  for pre-visit risk assessments, planning and approval re off site visit, supervision ratios e.g. during activity, changing rooms, transport to and from venue.


The school will host students on school experience placements. The School Experience Coordinator is  responsible for the placement, training and supervision of work experience students. The School Experience Coordinator is responsible for managing and coordinating within school and  external work experience placements, liaising with the person assigned to overseeing the  student as required. Health and safety assessments are carried out prior to the students  commencing placements and all work experience students must receive information about  first aid, fire procedures and health and safety procedures when they start their placement.

The school retains a duty of care for all students undertaking work experience and must  ensure the placement is appropriate, therefore:

∙ All students are briefed before taking part in work experience on supervision  arrangements and health and safety responsibilities;

∙ All placements are subject to pre-placement checks; no work experience placement  will go ahead if deemed unsuitable;

∙ Where work placements form part of the vocational qualification offered by a FE  college then the college is responsible for ensuring equivalent placement checks are  conducted.

∙ Every student will receive a placement job description highlighting tasks to be  undertaken and any necessary health and safety information which is passed onto the  parent or guardian;

∙ Arrangements will be in place to visit / monitor students during the placement; ∙ Emergency contact arrangements are in place (including out of school hours provision)  in order that a member of school staff can be contacted should an incident occur; ∙ All incidents involving students on work placement activities will be reported to the  Work Experience Coordinator at the earliest possible opportunity.

Further guidance on work experience, and work experience placement vetting forms are  available on the health and safety page of the Flintshire Education Intranet (HWB website).



All accidents and incidents will be reported to the Corporate Health and Safety department  in accordance with FCC reporting procedures using the online reporting system accessed via  Flintshire WORKSPACE.

A copy of the FCC corporate standard and guidance for accident reporting is available on Hwb. Accident forms are available for downloading in paper form from the accident and incident  reporting system (accessed via Quick Links ⇨ Accident Reporting Database ⇨ User  Information).

All accidents and incidents must be reported directly to the headteacher as soon as the casualty has been attended to. This is to ensure that a suitable  and timely investigation is undertaken by management to determine causation and with a  view to preventing further similar accidents. Accident locations should be secured and  undisturbed pending investigation.

Details should be recorded on the accident form as far as they are known following initial  investigations, and forwarded to Corporate Health and Safety, normally within 3 working  days.

In the event of a serious accident, this must be reported to the LA as soon as is practically  possible following the event by telephone.

The headteacher will analyse reported school accident reports for trends on a termly basis and  provide a report to the  governing body.

All records related to accidents at work will be stored in line with data protection  requirements.

Reporting to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE)

Incidents involving a fatality or major injury will be reported immediately to Corporate Health  and Safety (CHS) and a member of the CHS Team will report these to the Health and Safety  Executive (HSE) by phone or online.

Incidents resulting in the following must be reported to the HSE within 10 days of the incident occurring, so it is very important to report these to the health and safety team as soon as they occur, by submitting an online AIR report.

∙ A pupil or other non-employee being taken to hospital and the accident arising as the  result of a curriculum activity, the condition of the premises / equipment, lack of  supervision etc.;

∙ Employee absence, as the result of a work related accident, for periods of 7 days or more  (including W/E’s and holidays).

Further guidance on incident accident and reporting is available on the HWB website.


In addition to gas leaks, fire incidents and accidents, the school has identified a range of other  major incidents that could occur on or off the school site. In this respect the school has  developed a separate policy and guidance for managing critical incidents (including school  lockdowns), based on the guidance document (see below) issued by the LA.

A copy of this separate policy is located [insert location] and all staff are required to familiarise themselves with the contents. A list of the current school critical incident management team  is included in the policy.

Further advice and guidance on this can be found in the document ‘School Guide to Managing  On-Site and Off-Site Emergencies”, a copy of which is available on the LA’s school health and  safety library (accessed via the FCC Education Intranet on the Hwb website).


The LA has completed fire risk assessments in schools and other FCC owned establishments.  All establishments should have an up to date suitable and sufficient risk assessment. A copy  of the school fire risk assessment is kept in the Health and Safety folder on Google Drive.

The Headteacher is responsible for ensuring the school’s fire risk assessment is undertaken  and reviewed annually, and for implementing any actions required that are advised to be  within the remit of the management of the school. To assist Heads with this task the LA have  provided a Fire Safety Checklist and guidance, a copy of which is available on the HWB  website.

Fire safety precautions and emergency evacuation procedures are detailed in the Health and Safety folder on the Shared Google Drive and a summary posted in each classroom. These  procedures are reviewed at least annually and are made available to staff as part of the school  induction process.

Evacuation procedures are also made available to all contractors / visitors.

Emergency exit routes, exits, fire alarm call points, assembly points etc. are clearly identified  by safety signs and notices.

Emergency contact and key holder details are maintained by the headteacher.

Fire drills will be undertaken termly and a de-brief undertaken by the headteacher to consider  whether remedial actions are required as a result. Records of results and subsequent actions  will be recorded in the Fire Log Book by the headteacher which is located in the office safe.

Fire Fighting

Only staff trained in the use of fire extinguishers should attempt to use them, and if it is safe  to do so in the circumstances. The alarm should always be raised BEFORE attempting to tackle  a small fire. The safe evacuation of persons is an absolute priority.

The caretaker will carry out a weekly visual check of fire extinguishers  located within their areas of work to ensure they remain available for use and have not been  tampered with / pins are intact.

KDE undertakes an annual maintenance and service of all fire  extinguishers. Defective equipment or extinguishers that need recharging should be taken  out of service and reported to the Headteacher and the contractor for remedial action.

Details of service isolation points (i.e. gas, water, electricity) are on a isolation point map of the school which can be found in the office cupboard and safe.

Details of chemicals and flammable substances on site. An inventory of these is kept by the caretaker with the Fire Log Book,

Fire alarm call points are tested weekly in rotation by the caretaker. This test will occur on a Friday after school. Any defects in the system will be reported immediately to the alarm contractor, and the Headteacher informed.

Emergency Lighting checks for operation are carried out monthly by the caretaker. Annually  a full discharge test and certification of the system will be undertaken by KDE.

Daily checks of means of escape for any obstructions on exit routes, and for ensuring final  exits remain operational and available for use are carried out by the caretaker.

Fire doors will be checked daily for functionality by the caretaker as part of the opening up  process. Any adjustments to e.g. door closers will be made where identified necessary to  prevent door slams. Any defects must be referred to the Headteacher in the first instance.  Fire doors are an essential part of the school fire precautions in order to maintain the  protection of escape routes. All fire doors should be kept closed at all times, but not locked  such that they cannot be opened without the aid of a key.


The school reviews the need for First Aid provision on an annual basis and ensures that  refresher training is provided in accordance with the LA’s First Aid at Work Standard.

A list of the school First Aiders is posted around the school.

First Aid Boxes are allocated to designated members of staff to check the contents against the  statutory content list on a weekly basis.

A list of First Aid designated persons is kept in the office cupboard.  First Aid boxes are stored in each wet area and there is a First Aid bag allocated for each year group.

Where a first aider considers it necessary, the injured person will be sent directly to hospital  (normally by ambulance). Parents / carers will be notified immediately of all major injuries to  pupils.

No casualty will be allowed to travel to hospital unaccompanied and an accompanying adult  will be designated by the Headteacher/ or Assistant Headteacher in situations where the  parents / carers cannot be contacted in time.

All medication approved for administration within the school will be adequately labelled and  stored securely. A register of medications administered will be maintained.


The Headteacher will ensure that adequate welfare arrangements are provided for  employees and students in the school. These arrangements will comply with the standards  set out in Regulations 20 to 25 of the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations and  will include as a minimum:

∙ Sanitary conveniences;

∙ Washing facilities;

∙ Drinking water;

∙ Accommodation for clothing;

∙ Facilities for changing clothing;

∙ Facilities for rest or for eating meals;

∙ Kitchen facilities for storing and preparing food / drinks for personal consumption.



Every attempt will be made to avoid using hazardous substances or to choose the least  harmful substances which fall under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health  Regulations (COSHH).

Within curriculum areas (in particular science and DT) then heads of department are  responsible for COSHH and ensuring that an up to date inventory and model risk assessments  contained in the relevant national publications (CLEAPSS, Association for Science Education’s  “Topics in Safety” etc.) are in place.

In all other areas the establishments nominated person(s) responsible for substances  hazardous to health is caretaker.

They shall ensure:

∙ An inventory of all hazardous substances used on site is compiled and regularly reviewed. ∙ Material safety data sheets are obtained from the relevant supplier for all such materials.

∙ Remember the safety data sheets are not your risk assessments for that chemical but  information only

∙ Risk assessments are conducted for the use of hazardous substances (where generic risk  assessments are available e.g. for products purchased from approved Supplies, these are  adapted to suit specific use of material on site)

∙ All chemicals are appropriately and securely stored out of the reach of children.

∙ All chemicals are kept in their original packaging and labelled (no decanting into unmarked  containers).

∙ Suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) has been identified and available for use. PPE is to be provided free of charge where the need is identified as part of the risk assessment.


All staff who use habitually use computers as a significant part of their normal work  (significant is taken to be continuous / near continuous spells of an hour at a time) e.g. admin  staff, senior leadership team etc. should have an assessment.

All such assessments will be recorded. Minor adjustments to workstations will be made during  the assessment, where necessary and in line with current HSE guidance. The results of  assessments will be analysed, if appropriate, recommendations made for significant changes in workstation layout, equipment or routine. Such changes will be made to reduce risks where  reasonably practicable.

Workstation assessments will be reviewed annually or following a change in work location or  a significant change in layout or equipment. Where an employee requires additional support,  we will consult Occupational Health and/ or the Corporate Health and Safety Team.

Advice on DSE assessments and online DSE training is available from the Corporate Health  and Safety Team.



The expectation is that all staff and others will play their part in maintaining a decent level of  hygiene and housekeeping within the school.

It is the duty of all staff to be vigilant and aware of possible hazards. If any spillages occur,  these should be dealt with immediately.


Every staff member/ employee is responsible for his/her own work area on a day-to-day basis. Bulky items should be broken down into manageable loads, where possible and put into the  bins.

If excessive/heavy volumes of waste require disposal, each employee/department should  make arrangements to get the waste cleared with the Premises Manager.

No waste materials may be placed in walkways or any fire escape route.

Each staff member is also responsible for the safety of his/ her department, including  housekeeping matters.

Waste bins are provided for recycling and residual type waste. Bins should be emptied on a  daily basis.


Every staff member/ employee is required to observe basic housekeeping rules i.e. to clean  and wash up crockery etc. after themselves.

Any spillage should be cleared immediately and reported as soon as possible to the Premises Manager who will arrange for the cleaning staff to undertake remedial action.

Fridges/freezers/microwave ovens should be kept clean by the users and completely emptied  each week.

Rest and Meeting Rooms

Rest room, meeting rooms – everyone is expected to apply general principles of good  housekeeping in all areas.

All walkways must be kept clear of obstructions or combustible materials or trailing cables. Combustible or flammable materials must not be stored in the Boiler/electrical intake rooms;  only authorised persons are permitted access to these high risk areas.

Food Safety

Food items – all unwanted food/drink should be disposed of by its use-by/ best before date  to prevent waste accumulation and to reduce the risk of contamination.

The school reserve the right to dispose of uncovered or other food/drink stored or found on  the premises, if it is considered to be a hazard.

Open containers should not be left lying around as it increases the risk from pests, such as  fruit flies and mice.


Lettings are managed by the School Business Manager following council  guidance.

See School’s Letting Policy


This policy applies to lettings under the Lettings Policy. Those who hire any aspect of the school site or any facilities will be made aware of the content of the school’s health and safety  policy, and will have responsibility for complying with it.

Hirers must be made aware of fire escape routes and equipment on arrival. Means of access and egress must be safe and clear of hazards.

Hirers must report all incidents relating to unsafe premises or Golftyn CP School equipment to the Caretaker on duty, who will pass details to the headteacher for investigation.

Incidents related to the hirer’s own organised activities are to be reported by them in line  with their own procedures.

Lettings are managed by the business manager.


Portable Electrical Appliances

See Section 2.5 above.

Gas Appliances

See Section 2.6 above.

Equipment Maintenance – Curriculum

Heads of Department will be responsible for ensuring that maintenance of equipment for  their areas of the curriculum is identified and implemented following guidance contained in  health and safety Codes of Practice for Design & Technology, Science, Art, PE and Drama.

Ladders and Access Equipment

Premises Managers/Caretakers will be responsible for inspection and maintenance of ladders  and other access equipment. Guidance on the inspection of ladders and step ladders is  covered in the safe use of ladders and step ladder training attended by Premises  Managers/Caretakers and also in HSE Guidance document LA455.

External play equipment

The external play equipment will only be used when supervised, equipment will be checked  daily before use for any apparent defects, and by the caretaker and staff prior to using the equipment. PE and Play equipment is subject to an annual inspection by Continental Sports.



The school catering service is run by Newydd Catering and Cleaning Ltd.

Only authorised staff members are allowed access to the school’s kitchen area. Permission  for access must be sought from the Catering Manager and/or the Head of Kitchen.

All catering staff members operate to the standards laid down in the Food Standards Act 1999  and follow the Food Standards Agency guidance.

The kitchen is inspected annually by the Environmental Health Inspectors who evaluate the standards, grade and report to the Responsible Manager. Any remedial action required is acted upon without delay.

All kitchen staff are trained to operate machinery and equipment in a safe way with due regard to health and safety.


Staff are encouraged not to work alone in school. Work carried out unaccompanied or without  immediate access to assistance should be risk assessed to determine if the activity is  necessary.

Work involving potentially significant risks (for example work at height) should not be  undertaken whilst working alone.

Where lone working cannot be avoided staff should:

∙ Obtain the Headteacher’s/senior member of staff’s permission and notify him/her on each occasion when lone working will occur.

∙ Ensure they do not put themselves or others at risk.

∙ Ensure they have means to summon help in an emergency e.g. access to a telephone or  mobile telephone etc.

∙ When working off site (e.g. when visiting homes) notify a colleague of their whereabouts  and the estimated time of return [staff undertaking home visits to obtain as much  background information as possible about the child/family being visited]

∙ Key holders attending empty premises where there has been an incident or suspected  crime should do so with a colleague if possible. They should not enter the premises unless  they are sure it is safe to do so.

∙ AGS Security Systems are employed to attend site after hours when intruder alarms are  activated

∙ Report any incidents or situations where they may have felt “uncomfortable”.


It is the school’s policy that all work-related violence and intimidation is unacceptable and will take all steps to avert the risk of violence through physical security measures, safe working practices and staff training. The risk assessment process will determine appropriate local measures, which is a management function.

However, it is recognised that even with proactive measures, incidents of violence may still  occur. Therefore, it is also the school’s policy that appropriate support mechanisms exist for  all members of staff who may be subjected to incidents of violence during their work,  including access to legal guidance where appropriate.

The Health and Safety Executive defines violence as: ‘any incident in which an employee is abused, threatened or assaulted in circumstances relating to their work’.

The school will take into account both the nature and level of the risk of violence to staff into account when assessing risk and where necessary undertake a specific violence risk  assessment.

When undertaking such risk assessment, the opinions and views of staff must be sought by consultation. The assessments will evaluate the adequacy of measures to reduce the risk of violence and where necessary develop plans to further improve these precautions.

Preventative measures will include those relating to:

∙ The environment;

∙ Physical security precautions;

∙ Means of raising an alarm;

∙ Emergency response procedures;

∙ Safe systems of work;

∙ Training and information; and

∙ Individual measures identified in specific risk assessments such as new and expectant mothers, stress etc.

The school will ensure that staff and others as appropriate will receive adequate information, instruction and training in handling potentially or actual violent situations relevant to the  degree of contact. The emphasis of all information, instruction and training will be on  prevention and diffusion/de-escalation.

When faced with an imminent threat to their personal safety, staff will be expected to immediately leave the area. (N.B. All staff have a legal right to leave in such circumstances  and provided this was justified, it will not result in disciplinary action).

Should an employee be in a situation where they are being prevented from leaving an area  (and the employee is in immediate fear for their personal safety), or they are actually being  physically attacked (or reasonably believe they are about to be attacked), they are entitled by  law to use such force as is absolutely necessary to defend themselves and create a window  of opportunity to escape.

The school recognises that on very rare occasions such as these, an employee may need to  use physical force for the purpose of their own (or others) protection. However, the use of  physical force must always be justified in its application (i.e. absolutely necessary) and solely  to escape from a situation (never for retribution or retaliation).

The school will support any employee who acts in an appropriate manner in accordance with  this policy and their training, including legal guidance where appropriate.

However, staff must be aware that any unjustified use of force may result in internal disciplinary action and/or legal action being taken against them by the injured party.

Following a violent incident, the Headteacher or a member of the SLT will be expected to immediately provide initial sympathetic support to affected members of staff. This may  include ensuring medical treatment, providing reassurance, de-briefing, and/or allowing an  immediate short period of time away from the workplace to recover.

In cases of actual physical assault, the Headteacher or a member of the SLT will be expected  to ensure the actions below are taken:

∙ Appropriate treatment of injuries is given to the assaulted member of staff by a first aider  or emergency services (if necessary);

∙ Where the injuries suffered are serious enough or where the assaulted member of staff  wishes to, the assaulted member of staff attends Hospital as soon as possible; ∙ A member of staff attending Hospital must be accompanied by a member of staff; ∙ The taking of photographs should be considered/offered as it may help with any police  prosecutions etc. in the future;

∙ The Headteacher or a member of the SLT is informed as soon as possible.

Where an affected member of staff is unable (or unwilling) to remain at work, managers will  be expected to ensure the member of staff is able to get home safely. This may involve  arranging for them to be collected by a relative or friend or to be taken home by another  member of staff or by taxi.

(NB dependant on the severity of the incident and the individual’s wishes, if they are returning  to an empty house, it may be advisable for another member of staff to remain with them for  a period of time).

The school will encourage prosecution in all cases of violence but will always press for  prosecution in cases of actual physical violence. Where appropriate, access to legal guidance  will be provided to staff who are victims of violence.

All staff have a duty to report incidents of violence in accordance with school and LA accidents/incident reporting procedures using the AIR form.

Ideally this should include all incidents of swearing or being verbally abusive to staff. However, it is appreciated that some people can swear or be verbally abusive without necessarily intending to be aggressive and on such occasions staff do not necessarily feel threatened or offended and are reluctant to report these as violent incidents. The school accepts this and therefore permits staff individual discretion to determine the nature of the incident and  whether it requires reporting.

However, the school still requires all incidents that exceed a staff member’s personal  threshold or is personally directed at an individual staff member or another employee to be  reported.

For incidents where e.g. parents or others are overtly aggressive, intimidating or threatening  there is no staff discretion and these must be reported as should any occasion of physical  assault (this would include any incident of physical contact during an aggressive outburst e.g.  poking a finger in the chest, pushing etc.).

All reported incidents of violence should as soon as possible be investigated by the  Headteacher or a member of the SLT to determine the support necessary for the staff involved  and any action necessary to minimise the risks of a recurrence.

All reported incidents will be reviewed by the Corporate Health and Safety Team to ascertain  if any further follow up or more detailed investigation is needed.

Please also refer to the FCC corporate standard ‘Managing Violence and Aggression’.


Generic risk assessments for regular manual handling operations are undertaken and staff  provided with information on safe moving and handling techniques.

Employees identified under the requirements of the Regulations will be trained in manual  handling principles and safe techniques. Employees are instructed not to carry out lifting and  handling work for which they are not trained or competent.

Pupils and staff must only lift equipment and furniture within their own individual capability.

Those manual handling activities which present a significant risk to the health and safety of staff, will be reported to [insert name, job title e.g. Headteacher] and where such activities  cannot be avoided a risk assessment will be conducted to ensure such risks are adequately controlled. A copy of this assessment will be provided to employees who must follow the instruction given when carrying out the task.

Where mechanical aids are used to reduce the need for manual handling, all relevant  equipment will be maintained in a safe condition with regular maintenance to ensure safety  throughout its service life.

Paediatric Moving and Handling

All staff who move and handle pupils have received appropriate training (both in general moving and handling people techniques and specific training on any lifting equipment, hoists,  slings etc. they are required to use).

All moving and handling of pupils has been risk assessed and recorded by a competent member of staff.

Equipment for moving and handling people (hoists, slings etc.) is subject to inspection on a 6


The school follows the Council’s corporate standard for Minibuses that sets out clearly the  eligibility for driving on school business (either the school minibus or the employee’s own  vehicle), the procedures that the driver should follow in advance of taking a journey and  during the journey and what action to take in the event of an incident occurring or problem  emerging whilst driving a vehicle on school business.

The standard also contains clear information about driver license requirements, training and  routine safety checks that need to be undertaken to ensure a vehicle is safe to use. In  addition to this, the school has undertaken a minibus risk assessment, the control measures  within which should be adhered to at all times by the minibus driver.


Flintshire County Council’s procedures for pregnant members of staff will be followed,  including carrying out a ‘Pregnancy Risk Assessment’


Please refer to HSE guidance.


The need for PPE will be identified through risk assessment. The particular form of PPE  required for a particular activity and any properties it must possess will be determined in  order to be effective. For example, the material of gloves and the standard of eye protection required.

The school will provide PPE free of charge to employees and students where it is required to  be used. Records of the issue of PPE, including safety footwear, head protection, clothing and  other medium to high-value items, will be maintained. Where required, employees will be  provided with information and instruction appropriate to their PPE.

Employees are required to wear, store and maintain their PPE in accordance with the  information and instructions given to them. PPE should not be misused or abused and, when  required, be disposed of responsibly. Employees should notify their line manager of the need  for additional PPE or any problems associated with PPE as soon as is practicable.

Where PPE is provided for students’ education practices (for example, Science practical  activities or tasks in the Design Technology workshop), information and instruction in the safe  use and correct storage will be provided, as will supervision whilst in lessons. Teaching staff  are to report any defects in the students’ PPE so it can be repaired or replaced.


Health and safety will be considered alongside cost and technical performance when choosing  equipment, material and substances. The Headteacher and Finance/ Business Manager are  responsible for procurement and purchasing and ensure that all equipment has a European  Conformity certificate and is fit for purpose. Manufacturers’ information provided with  equipment will be retained for reference until the equipment ceases to exist in school’s  ownership.


Golftyn CP School does not usually employ persons under the age of 18. In the event that  a young person is invited to work or carry out work experience, the school will ensure the  following:

∙ a young person risk assessment is completed;

∙ an experienced employee is assigned to guide and provide close supervision to the young  person;

∙ the parents or guardians of children (under 16 years) are involved in the assessment,  consulted and provided with information;

∙ the young person is provided with a relevant induction and information;

∙ The tasks undertaken by the young person will be restricted to those considered low risk  only.



The school will try to accommodate pupils with medical needs wherever practical and in line  with the school policy on Managing Medical Needs. The school policy is in accordance with  the DfE document ‘Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions’. A copy of that  document which the LA endorses as the policy for schools can be obtained from the health  and safety library on the FCC Education Intranet (HWB resource website).

No member of staff will administer any medication unless the relevant process has been  followed to ensure appropriate training in methods of administration has been received by  designated persons, and all necessary forms have been completed by the school and the  parent / carer as required in each case.


Under no circumstances should alcohol be brought onto the school site, except where the  appropriate licences have been sought prior to an organised event.


Under no circumstances should drugs be brought onto the school site.


We follow national guidance published by Public Health Wales when responding to infection  control issues.

In the event of an epidemic/pandemic, we will follow advice from Public Health Wales about  the appropriate course of action.


The school is committed to promoting high levels of health and well-being and recognises the  importance of identifying and reducing workplace stressors through risk assessment, in line  with the HSE and education management standards.

The HSE Management Standards define the characteristics, or culture, of an organisation  where the risks from work related stress are being effectively managed and controlled.

The Management Standards cover six key areas of work design that, if not properly managed,  are associated with poor health and well-being, lower productivity and increased sickness  absence. In other words, the six Management Standards cover the primary sources of stress  at work. These are:

Demands – this includes issues such as workload, work patterns and the work  environment.

Control – how much say the person has in the way they do their work.

Support – this includes the encouragement, sponsorship and resources provided by the  organisation, line management and colleagues.

Relationships – this includes promoting positive working to avoid conflict and dealing with  unacceptable behaviour.

Role – whether people understand their role within the organisation and whether the  organisation ensures that they do not have conflicting roles.

Change – how organisational change (large or small) is managed and communicated in  the organisation.

The Management Standards represent a set of conditions that, if present, reflect a high level  of health well-being and organisational performance.

The school has a number of systems in place within the school for responding to individual concerns and monitoring staff workloads e.g. Performance Management, mentoring, staff  able to speak to Headteacher / senior management, having an open door policy, referrals and  requests for Occupation Health or Counselling (via Employee Care Assistance Programme).


Smoking or vaping is not permitted by anyone anywhere within the school boundary. ————————————————————————————————————————-

Please see Health and Safety folder on the Shared Google Drive


∙ For further information and guidance contact Corporate Health and Safety on 01352  702782.

∙ DfE health and safety advice for schools – Annex A contains key elements of a Health and  Safety Policy.

∙ Flintshire County Council’s Health and Safety Management System, standards and  guidance (

∙ – Health and safety resources for schools.

∙ Health and Safety Executive (HSE) –